Identity Theft is the term that is used to describe all types of crime where the criminal illegally takes and uses the victim’s personal information in a manner that involves deception or lying for personal, business or economic gain. This type of crime is hard to detect and even harder to solve, and identity theft is one of the fastest growing criminal activities in the United States.
Not only are identity theft crimes difficult to prosecute, it takes time to research, track down witnesses, and put it all together sometimes takes years. While most of these crimes are easily detected credit card fraud, some of these criminals do not even go this route and just assume your name and personal history to use it for themselves.
While It is a crime that is punishable in the United States and most other countries by some very harsh penalties. Identity your fingerprints and DNA cannot be duplicated or copied, your personal data like your social security number, drivers license number, birth certificate, bank and credit card account numbers, phone number, and other information that can be used for identification purposes can be used illegally if they fall into the wrong hands.
All over North America there have been reports of unauthorized persons making withdrawals from personal bank and financial accounts, taking over someone’s identity while obtaining huge debts and committing crimes while using the victim’s identity. During the course of one of these crimes the victim can suffer added financial costs such as legal fees, medical fees, and other charges that will be needed to restore the victim’s reputation.
The internet has grown into the perfect hiding place for the criminal element to get their dirty hands on personal data, such as passwords, login information, and even banking information. Many people respond to “spam unsolicited emails” that promises them some great benefit but requires that identifying information is entered without realizing that the requester will not keep the privacy promise. He will gather the information he needs to steal from you or anyone else who does use proper online security while surfing.
Not all data thieves have an online presence and can easily get the information needed to snatch an identity. Just like everyone else you have received mailed “preapproved” credit card applications and then thrown them away in the trash can without shredding them or even tearing the up. This can be pulled out of the trash and will supply enough information for a criminal to get the card and then activate it to make purchases, purchases that you are responsible for. Security measures by some credit card companies require that the card be activated from the home phone number of the subscriber, but this is not a universal protocol at this time. Also if your mail is sent to a place that others have access to the criminal can either intercept your incoming mail or redirect it to another location.
Given the right information a criminal can assume someone’s personal identity and then conduct a wide range of illegal activities or crimes. From loan and credit card applications, withdrawals from financial accounts, obtaining government supplied benefits, to other things the criminal may not qualify for using their real name. Then if the perpetrator takes steps to conceal their activities like having the bills for the illegal accounts sent to an alternate address the crime may go on for a long time. This will make the journey back from identity theft, and to restore your reputation, get back your credit and assets even mor