Grants are not the same as a scholarship, but while an application process is still followed a grant is a one time payment usually given for a specific purpose. This purpose may be for housing if your family has an income level below a set level, or it could be for expenses incurred for the study of a specific topic or assignment. It does not matter what the eventual reason for the grant is, it will be a one time payment of a set amount of money that is given for a specified reason.
Anyone that is attending or wants to attend an institution of higher learning can apply for any scholarships offered, if you meet the terms and conditions of the scholarship and qualify for the scholarship. The application forms are often very long and tedious, while taking a good bit of time to properly complete.
You will need to make sure that all information supplied is written or typed neatly and is legible. Keep in mind that just one minor mistake on the application forms may cause the application to be declined, so be sure a read over the completed application several times to insure it is completed properly and according to the instructions. You will not be the only person that is trying to qualify for this financial aid so check it and then re-check it for mistakes until you are confident there are none.
The golden rule of this procedure is DO NOT lie. If the truth is not told and it is discovered during the course of the investigations and considerations your application will be immediately rejected. Always be honest with the information you supply on your applications, this will go a long ways toward earning the respect and consideration of the supporters of the said scholarship.
And you always want put your best foot forward and show that you merit the respect and consideration from them. It may be a good idea to research and apply for several scholarships or grants at the same time so that you are not dependent on a single source of financial aid.
Do your research and make sure that you are familiar with the forms and procedures needed to complete the scholarship or grant application both completely and properly before you begin to fill out the application. Financing is of great importance for college students these days and you owe it to yourself to provide the most dependable financial aid you can.
Keep in mind it is YOUR future!