Today going to college is very expensive, with tuition and room and board going through the roof. Some students wonder how they will be able to afford a higher education with the cost of going to college these days. The great thing is there are a variety of scholarships available that can be a huge help. With good scholarships and the available grants from the government, college can become far more affordable. Scholarships are available to help pay for college tuition, room and board, and even expenses like books. Many different scholarships are out there, some based on need, others on contests, and some on academic or athletic performance as well. Here is a brief look at some of the different types of scholarships available to give you an idea of where to begin looking.
Academic Scholarships
Academic scholarships are often given out by individual colleges. These scholarships are based on merit, which means your grades from high school and perhaps even your SAT scores may be taken into consideration for these awards. Some of these scholarships will require a specific application, while others schools will automatically consider you for when you apply to the college.
Athletic Scholarships
A variety of athletic scholarships are available today as well. Although many people only think scholarships are based on academics, this is not the case. Many colleges offer scholarships for a variety of different types of sports. Usually these scholarships will require you to keep certain grades while you are in college.
Departmental Scholarships
Many colleges and universities also give out departmental scholarships as well. These scholarships are specifically used to try to attract students into particular departments. Examples of these types of scholarships can include music scholarships, nursing scholarships, or scholarships for particular studies in science.
Scholarships from Businesses
There are many businesses that offer scholarships today as well as a way that they can support their local community. Some companies offer the scholarships based on academic performance, while other companies offer scholarships to students going into a particular field of study, hoping to attract them to the company. Certain scholarships may be available to the children of parents that work for specific businesses as well.
Scholarships from Religious Organizations
Religious organizations often provide scholarships to members of their religious organization as well. If you happen to be a part of a religious organization, find out if they provide any scholarships. In some cases they may be specifically designed for students pursuing some type of religious degree.
Scholarships from Private Organizations
A variety of private organizations also give away scholarships in many areas. Groups like the Elks, Rotary Club, and even the Lions club will often give out scholarships. 4H often provides scholarships to members of their organization. Check in your local area to find out if these types of organizations are giving out scholarships and how you can apply.
Military Scholarships
Last of all, the military gives out many different scholarships. ROTC programs often have particular scholarships, and many scholarships are given to those who fulfill a term of duty with a particular branch of the military. You must remember that you have to fulfill your end of the deal in order to get these types of scholarships from the military.