When speaking of a frugal life, people would actually associate it with the word ‘cheap’. Shallow-minded people who spend much like there’s no tomorrow think it is wiser to spend at the moment just to grab the chance of having something that comes their way, right away. Well, those kinds of people are unwise and have actually forgotten to think first before doing an action.
Living frugally does not entail living a cheap and deprived life. It is not merely a way of depressing one’s existence. It is actually a smart way to live life wisely, happily and with control. So how does one jumpstart a frugal living? Here’s how.
1. It is important to know first your financial standing at the moment. Know how much money you have in the bank. Total your earnings, too. Learning your financial capacity can help you make sane decisions.
2. List down all your monthly expenses which include electric, telephone, cable and water bills, plus the food, clothing, transportation and luxury expenses. Then, subtract expenses from income to know how much is left on your pocket after paying all the bills that are due at the end of a month.
3. Go for great deals, bargains and sales. Fight the urge of buying an item with an expensive price. Wait for it to be sold in a discounted price. That way, you’ll be able to save a lot. It will be great to get the item you’re eyeing for a long time in a very low charge.
4. When shopping for grocery items, bring a list of the important items you need to buy. Don’t let your cart be filled of unnecessary items. Think a thousand times before putting something in it. Remember, you are tied with a budget. Be disciplined enough to stick with the list you have jotted down before you’ve gone to the supermarket.
5. If in need of something, check your things first before rushing to the convenience store. This is an obvious way of being frugal. It is also a way of cleaning some mess of unused products in your home.
6. At one point, frugal living can be equated with creativity. Discover your ability of doing things by yourself. Instead of paying for a carpenter to fix your garage, learn to do it for the sake of saving money.
7. Recycle. As they say, there is money in garbage or trash. It may sound and smell stinky, though, this is true. You can sell unused bottles, newspapers and steel and get a little income. You can put on a small garage sale for old clothes that are not worn anymore. This is another way of clearing some clutter away while earning a little at the same time.
There are people who’ve lost their minds upon having lots of money. But eventually, due to unwise spending, all their resources have gone to nothing. They tried to maintain a lifestyle that they could not actually afford.
But in its real sense, frugal living does not need to alter a lifestyle. It’s just a matter of cutting out expenses and proper budgeting of money.